J017745322. In March we celebrate the World Water DayThese year`s theme is “Water and Energy”.

The coordinators of the UNIDO and UNU Day stress that the use of water sources and energy are interlinked and interdependent.The generation of energy requires water sources for the generation of hydro energy as well as for the generation of electric energy in nuclear and thermal power plants. 8 % of all generated energy in the world is used for pumping, cleaning, treatment and transport of water to different users.

So the attention in the year 2014 is devoted to awareness rising and transfers of good practice in the area of water and energy efficient green industries and direct our activities to:

  • enhancing awareness about the interconnection of water and energy,
  • politics of dialogue about the broad interdependence of water and energy,
  • politics, by presenting cases of larger economic and social effects through the comprehensive approach and integrated solutions of water and energy problems,
  • design of politics and development possibilities, where the institutions of the UN could provide an important contribution,
  • definition of main stakeholders in the area of water and energy problems for further development and enlargement of the areas connected by water and energy,
  • provision of conclusions about the interdependence of water and energy in further discussions …