- Published: 18. March 2014
On its 19th regular session on 25 July 2013 the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the decision establishing the National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food (NLZOH). According to this government decision all regional Institutes of Public Health ceased to exist on the day of establishment of the NLZOH.All contractual rights and obligations were transferred to both new established institutions – the National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food and the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH).
The legal foundation for the establishment of the NLZOH and the NIPH is based in the Act Amending the Health Services Act (ZZDej-J, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia Nr. 14/2013). In Article 4, the latter defines basic activities of both of them:
The public health care activities includes:
- monitoring and evaluation of health, public health situation and medical care,
- detection, monitoring and evaluation of key public health problems, health risks and hazards to human health,
- provision of readiness and planning of hazards to health control,
- implementation of measures for the safeguarding and protection of health from the aspect of natural and social environment,
- disease prevention,
- health strengthening,
- assuring the competence of public health professionals,
- making the general public aware of the conditions, research activities and findings in the area of public health,
- research and educational activity in the area of public health
The activities related to public health in the area of health, environment and food, which are determined by special regulations, comprise:
- laboratory activities,
- education and training of professionals,
- provision of information and reporting,
- execution of research activities.