National reference laboratory (NRL)
Decision on establishing National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for:
- Residues of veterinary medicines and contaminants in foods of animal origin,
- Pesticide residues in foods of animal origin and products with high fat content,
- Methods for individual residues in foods of animal origin,
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in foods of animal origin,
- Dioxins and PCB in fodder and foods,
- Analyses of organic phosphorous compounds in honey,
- Pesticide residues in cereals,
- Pesticide residues in fruit and vegetable, including products with high content of water and acid,
- Pesticide residues, methods for individual residues,
- Heavy metals in food,
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in foods,
- Dioxins and PCB in foods,
- Mycotoxins in foods of non-animal origin,
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment – Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection, No. U014-7/2013/3, dated 9th January 2014 and No. U014-7/2013/1, dated 2nd January 2014.
Decision on appointment of National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for investigation of materials coming in contact with foods that operates in the EURL- NRL network (European Union Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials; European Commission Joint Research Centre).
Decision on appointment of National Laboratory for Health, Environment, and Food for performing tasks of reference laboratory and official laboratory, which were implemented by the regional healthcare institutions and Institute of Public Health of Republic of Slovenia for the purposes of official supervision:
- In relation to food of non-animal origin,
- In relation to food of animal origin,
- For performing sampling of food for the purposes of official supervision,
- For conformity assessment of milk and dairy products in regard to quality,
- For beer assessment in regard to quality,
- For conformity assessment of edible vegetable oils (except for olive oil) edible vegetable fats and mayonnaise, in regard to quality,
- For conformity assessment of spirit drinks and other alcoholic beverages in regard to quality,
- For conformity assessment of meat and meat products, fish and fish products in regard to quality,
- For conformity assessment of vegetable and mushroom products in regard to quality,
- For conformity assessment of fruit juices and similar fruit products, vegetable juices and similar vegetable products and non-alcoholic beverages in regard to quality,
- For analysis of organic phosphorous compound in honey.
Issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment – Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection, No. U014-7/2013/1, dated 2nd January 2014.
Decision on appointment of National Laboratory for Health, Environment, and Food for performing tasks of official laboratory, which were implemented by the regional healthcare institution (ZZV Maribor) for the purposes of official supervision:
- For performing certain analyses of tobacco issued by the Ministry of Health, No. 0600-102/2013-2. 22/7/2013.
Decision on appointment of National Laboratory for Health, Environment, and Food for performing tasks of reference laboratory and official laboratory, which were implemented by the regional healthcare institutions:
- For performing the first and regular inspections of natural mineral water and establishing natural mineral water, spring water, and table water conformity issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment – Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection, No. U014-7/2013/15 dated 25th April 2014.
Decision for implementation of veterinary activity DDD issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, No. U014-16/2015/2, dated 8th July 2015.
Decision for performing activities of disinfection, disinfestation, and pest extermination issued by the Ministry of Health – Public Health Directorate, No. 181- 370/2013-4, dated 17th December 2015.
Decision for testing laboratory for the area of small wastewater treatment systems up to 50 PE for Environment and Health Department in Maribor issued by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, No. 315-43/2014-4, dated 1st December 2014.
Decision for performing professional tasks in the area of safety at work (periodic investigations of harmfulness in the working environment, periodic examinations and tests of working equipment) issued by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, No. 10200-38/2014/10 dated 17th December 2014.
Decision on granting the title of educational institute for implementing practical training of students of secondary education – biomedical laboratory technician, students of higher professional first level study program laboratory biomedicine, and students of uniform secondary level master´s study program of medicine, microbiology, biochemistry, chemical engineering and chemical technology issued by the Ministry of Health – HealthCare Directorate, No. 1611-10/2014/14 dated 10th May 2016.
Decision for implementation of specialisation in infectology, public health, clinical microbiology and dermatovenereology issued by the Ministry of Health – HealthCare Directorate, No. 603-121/2015/37 dated 7th October 2015.
Decision identifying the healthcare institutions, where healthcare workforce and healthcare co-workers trainees with technical secondary education (laboratory technician, chemical technician, pharmaceutical technician) take professional certification exam, issued by the Ministry of Health – Health Care Directorate, No. 6040-160/2017-10, dated 6 March 2017.
Decision on appointment of the National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food as the official laboratory for performing individual laboratory analyses for the purposes of official supervision of the safety of wine and other products made from grapes and wine for: pesticide residues, pollutants, allergens and other sensitising substances in foods, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, No. 33202-1/2018/1 dated 15 January 2018.
Permits and authorisations
Permanent permit for performing activity of production and use of hazardous chemicals issued by the Ministry of Health – Chemicals Bureau of RS, No. 18400-162/2013/2 dated 30th December 2013.
Licence for the implementation of research in clinical microbiology, issued by the Ministry of Health - Health Care Directorate, no. 0600-87/2019-8 of 7 February 2020.
Permit for emergencies related to plants protection issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of the Republic of Slovenia, No. U34330-68/2014/6 dated 27th March 2014.
Permission for production of medicines issued by the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices, No. 800-9/2018-4 dated 15th May 2018.
Permit for performing radiation activity issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment – Administration of RS for Nuclear Safety, No. 3572-186/2013/8 dated 22th July 2014.
Permit for performing strategic activity issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment – Chemicals Bureau of RS, No. 21601-4/2014-13 dated 1st March 2016.
Permit for performing experiments on animals, U34401-5/2019/4, dated 1st April 2019.
A license for specialised medical practice in the field of clinical microbiology and for general and specialised medical practice in the field public health was issued by the Ministry of Health. License No. 0140-13/2019/8, dated 15 March 2019.
WHO-NIC-recognition-letter-2016: Yearly accreditation of National Centre for Influenza by the WHO for 2017.
SVN_Measles Accreditaion Letter_2017: Yearly accreditation of National Reference Laboratory for Measles and Rubella by the WHO for 2017.
WHO-polio-accreditation SVN: Yearly accreditation of National Reference Laboratory for polio in enterovirus by the WHO for 2017.
Public authorisation for:
- The implementation of monitoring chemical status parameters, specific pollutants, general physical and chemical microbiological parameters, and microcystins as part of the monitoring of the ecological and chemical status of water and the status of water in areas with specific requirements;
- The implementation of chemical analyses as part of soil condition monitoring;
issued by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning – the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARS), No. 35922-22/2017-15 dated 24th November 2017.
Authorisation for implementation of operational monitoring of surface water condition for Environment and Health Departments in Celje, Maribor, and Novo mesto issued by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, No. 35435-38/2018-2, dated 30th November 2018.
Authorisation for implementation of evaluating entire burdening of external air for Environment and Health Departments in Celje, Maribor, and Novo mesto issued by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, No. 35924-4/2014-4, dated 5th June 2015.
Authorisation for implementation of operational monitoring in entering hazardous substances and fertilisers in soil for Environment and Health Departments in Celje, Maribor, and Novo mesto issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment – ARSO, No. 35455-3/2014-4, dated 24th February 2014.
Authorisation for formation of evaluation of hazardous waste issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment – ARSO, No. 35455-2/2014-2 dated 24th March 2014 for:
- Departments in Celje for sampling waste, pollution parameters measurements, and other characteristics of hazardous waste for eluate matrix (conductivity, mercury, fluoride, phenol index), evaluation of results of testing and establishing hazardous characteristics of waste, formation of hazardous waste assessment.
- Departments in Maribor for sampling waste, pollution parameters measurements, and other characteristics of hazardous waste for waste matrix (dry matter, ignition loss, copper, zinc, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, nickel, lead, total organic carbon - TOC, polychlorinated biphenyls - PCB , absorbable organic halogenated compounds - AOX, phenol index, hydrocarbons) for eluate matrix (pH of totally dissolved matter, conductivity, arsenic, antimony, copper, barium, zinc, cadmium, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, lead, mercury, fluoride, chloride, sulphate, phenol index, total organic carbon - TOC), evaluation of testing results and establishing hazardous characteristics of waste.
- Departments in Novo mesto for sampling waste, pollution parameters measurements, and other characteristics of hazardous waste for waste matrix (dry matter, dry residue, ignition loss, arsenic, copper, zinc, cadmium, total chromium, cobalt, nickel, lead, molybdenum, mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls - PCBs, total organic carbon - TOC, mineral oils, AH, cyanide - free, cyanide - common BTX, microbiological parameters - Salmonella, Escherichia coli), elute matrix (pH, conductivity, aluminium, antimony, arsenic, copper, barium, beryllium, boron, zinc, cadmium, cobalt, tin, total chromium, hexavalent chromium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, lead, strontium, vanadium, mercury, iron, ammonium, nitrites, total cyanide, sulphide, fluoride, chloride, nitrate, o-phosphate, sulphate, total organic carbon - TOC, absorbent organic halogens, anionic detergents, phenols total, mineral oil, PAH, dry residue of filter - total dissolved matters, cyanide - free), evaluation of testing results of hazardous characteristics of waste, formation of hazardous waste assessment).
Authorisation for Assessing Waste before Disposal, issued by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning – the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO), No. 35435-1/2017-2 of 17 January 2017, encompassing the following:
- Waste sampling;
- Performing a chemical analysis of the contamination of the waste and measuring other properties in the waste;
- Performing microbiological analyses of waste;
- Sampling and leaching of waste;
- Performing a chemical analysis of the waste leachate contamination and measuring other properties in the waste leachate;
- Performing an assessment of waste before disposal.
Authorisation within implementation of the first assessment and operational monitoring for evaluation of noise with measurements and noise measurements with model calculation based on computational methods; issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment – ARSO, št. 35435-4/2019-3 z dne 1. 4. 2019.
Authorisation for implementation of operational monitoring for calibration and regular yearly testing of operation of measuring equipment for permanent measurements of emissions in atmosphere for the following parameters: total organic matter except organic parts expressed as total carbon - TOC, total dust, gaseous inorganic compounds of chlorine expressed as HCI, fluorine and its gaseous inorganic compounds expressed as hydrogen fluoride - HF, individual organic compounds, mercury and its compounds, expressed as Hg, oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides - NOx, sulphur dioxide; issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment - Environmental Agency, No. 35421-2/2014-2 dated 27th February 2014.
Authorisation for implementation of operational monitoring for implementation of the first or temporary emission measurements in atmosphere from stationary sources of pollution, including:
- Plan formation for air emissions, including definition of goals of substance emission measurements and definition for substance emission in the air of important parameters of machine operation;
- Creation of sampling strategy and sampling of waste gases;
- Creation of a plan for recording operation time of machine and evaluation of season of machine operation due to the formation of evaluation on yearly substance emission in atmosphere;
- Measuring and evaluating waste gas status parameters and operational parameters;
- Measuring the volumetric flow rate of waste gases and calculating the mass flow rate of waste gas substances, the emission share, the emission reduction rate, the amount of fibres and the emission factor if regulations on the emission of substances into the atmosphere prescribe a limit value for them;
- Assessing diffuse and fugitive emissions of substances into the atmosphere;
- Calculating emission factors if their limit values have been determined for the device for which the initial measurements or operational monitoring are being carried out;
- Formulating a report on the substance emission measurements performed and producing an assessment of the annual emission of substances into the atmosphere.
- Measuring concentration of substances in waste gases and calculation of measurement results per unit of volume of dry or wet waste gases at normal conditions and per prescribed computational content of oxygen in waste gases if its value for individual source of pollution is defined by regulations on substance emission in atmosphere;
Issued by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning– ARSO, No. 35435-38/2017-2 dated 19th January 2018.
Authorisation for implementation of the first measurements and operational monitoring of waste waters for Environment and Health Departments in Celje, Koper, Kranj, Maribor, Nova Gorica, and Novo mesto issued by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning– ARSO, No. 35435-39/2017-3, dated 19th April 2018.
Licence for the implementation of the operational monitoring of groundwater status for the Departments of Environment and Health in Maribor, Celje, and Novo mesto, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment – Slovenian Environment Agency, No. 35435-37/2019-5 of 15 January 2020.
Authorisation for performing operational monitoring – for making an assessment of hazardous waste, issued by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning – Environment Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 35435-11/2018-6 dated 3 October 2018, in the scope:
- Control of admissibility and appropriateness of hazardous waste incineration in the incineration plant and the co-incineration plant (preparing the control plan, reviewing the production process and the documentation on the generation of hazardous waste, formulating a hazardous waste sampling plan, preliminary sampling of hazardous waste, control of the adequacy of assigned hazardous waste number, sampling of hazardous waste, chemical analysis of hazardous waste, decision on admissibility and appropriateness of hazardous waste incineration in the incineration plant and the co-incineration plant;
- The assessment of consequences expected due to the properties of incinerated or co-incinerated hazardous waste;
- Control of the following parameters of hazardous waste chemical analysis: dry residue, loss on ignition, total chlorine, sulphur, arsenic, copper, total chromium, zinc, fluorine, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, lead, mercury, pentachlorophenols – PCP, polychlorinated biphenyls – PCB;
- Carried out by the subcontractor Eurofins Umwelt Ost GmbH, Niederlassung Freiberg, Gewerbegebiet Freiberg Ost, Lindenstrasse 11, 09627 Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf, Germany, for measurement and analysis of parameters of collected samples (antimony, barium, beryllium, boron, tin, manganese, selenium, thallium, vanadium, nitrogen, polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT)).