The Centre for Environment and Health performs hygienic and health ecologic activities, dealing also with comprehensive environment problems. Our work is carried out in the field and in laboratories on locations in Celje, Ljubljana, Koper, Kranj, Maribor, Murska Sobota, Nova Gorica, Novo mesto, Ravne na Koroskem and Hrastnik. The Centre's work is organised in 7 departments trough Slovenia, providing activities in the following areas:

  • hygiene and health ecology, where we control public and individual water supply systems, determine microbiological and chemical pollutants in drinking water and prepare assessments of the situation and recommendations for action, provide support for introduction and verification of the HACCP plan and expert support to responsible persons in the process of internal control in the area of food production, processing, and trade, engage in work training for the food handling staff, provide health control of basin and surface bathing waters and many other services in the field of health and environment

  • waste, where we provide waste and eluate analyses, waste assessments, waste landfills control and their influence in the environment; air, soil, ground and surface water, noise;

  • waste inspection, involving the inspection of waste performed by the inspection body Type C for the purpose of incineration or the permissibility of the disposal of waste in landfills according to the requirements of SIST EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012;

  • waste water , where we carry out waste water analyses, waste water monitoring for reporting agents, studies in connection with effluent treatment design;

  • emissions into the air, providing measurements and reports on emissions from production processes, waste incinerators, energy generation and other facilities;

  • chemical hazards with ecotoxicological laboratory dealing with design of waste air bio-filtration, production of filter filling material, bio-filtering devices operation control, degradability and toxicity testing and environment risk assessments;

  • air and noise quality in the environment and environmental impact assessments with air pollution  measurement, noise measurement in natural and residential environment, preparation of noise maps, comprehensive reports on environmental impacts, work out reports on environmental impacts for individual segments (air, noise, soil, ground and surface water) and providing expert assessments of environmental impacts for smaller producing facilities;

  • food, with food analyses (ingredients, pollutants, labelling, quality), cooperation at official control of food safety for food of non-animal origin, feed, additives, food of animal origin and other samples, providing conformity, safety and risk assessments;

  • articles of daily use, analysing materials and products intended to come into contact with food and potable water, toys, cosmetics and articles of daily use and tobacco. We participate in official control of products intended to come into contact with food, toys, cosmetics and articles of general safety. We prepare conformity, safety and risk assessments. We are the National reference laboratory for the control of materials intended to come into contact with food and appointed as authorised laboratory for defined tobacco analyses.

  • ground and surface waters we provide field measurements, sampling, identification of basic characteristics and pollutants in ground and surface water, water springs, trend monitoring, identification of pollution sources, preparation of expert bases for preventive and remedial actions, sampling and analyses of sediments and compost, soil sampling and analysis – monitoring,  providing of environmental impact reports.

  • potable and bathing water, executing field measurements, sampling, identification of basic characteristics and pollutants of potable water, trend monitoring, bottled water analyses, mineral water analyses, identification of ingredients, identification of gas components in wells, identification of natural impact, field measurements, sampling and analysis of bathing water;

  • mobile ecological monitoring (MEEL – mobile unit with ecological laboratory) with permanent stand-by for emergency duties and immediately movable to the needed location; chemical and biological, field and laboratory analyses and measurements and alarm response in case of natural or environmental disasters or acts of terrorism;

  • safety and health at work with workplace risk assessments, preparation of safe work instructions; education in safety and health at work and fire protection;

  • disinfection, disinsection and deratization

We execute our activities on a higlyh professional level, supported with modern technology in microbiological and sanitary-chemical laboratories and our scientific-research activities. All this enables the execution of even the most demanding tasks.

From 2003 onwards we implemented the quality management system according to ISO 9001:2008. The quality of measurements and procedures in the field and laboratory is ensured with methods, accredited according to the standard SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025 at the Slovenian Accreditation Institute (Certificate Nr. LP-014). The inspection body, operating in the frame of the Centre for Environment and Health is accredited according to the standard SIST EN ISO/IEC 17020 (Certificate Nr. K-115).

Our vision is continuous enhancement of our competent work performance, good business success and the establishment of the Centre for Environment and Health in the broader European environment. We are on our way to the leading role in the field of food and environment in the country.

Departments with laboratories and units:

Department for environment and health Maribor

Unit for environment
Unit for environmental air and noise conditions and the assessment of the effects on the environment
Unity for Food and articles of daily use
Unit for water and soil
Mobile unit with ecological laboratory

Department for environment and health Celje

Unit for Environment
Unit for water and soil

Department for environment and health Koper

Department for environment and health Kranj

Unit for Environment
Unit for water and soil

Department for environment and health Nova Gorica

Department for environment and health Novo mesto

Unit for Environment
Unity for Food and Articles of Daily Use
Unit for Water, Soil and Waste

Department for Disinfection, Disinsection and Deratization (DDD)

Unit for DDD Celje
Unit for DDD Koper
Unit for DDD Kranj
Unit for DDD Ljubljana
Unit for DDD Maribor
Unit for DDD Murska Sobota
Unit for DDD Novo mesto
Unit for DDD Slovenska Bistrica
Unit for Production and Purchase

Controlling Organ